#Using the wim hof method while sick how to#
So I’m back on the Wim Hof system, back on the cold showers, back on my daily routines, and I feel better and it was a good life lesson. He established the Wim Hof Method to teach individuals how to find out to manage their bodies to accomplish extraordinary objectives. Within 30 hours I couldn’t feel any of the symptoms that I had just 30 hours before that, and it was an amazing transformation. Now I dont remember when I was seriously sick, Im not saying that a cold shower cures all the diseases, because it doesnt you get sick once in a while but it. Here’s the amazing part- I got back on my regular program and then my mind turned off the fact that I was sick or could be sick, and I actually got well within a day and half. Get back into your breathing, do your cold showers, get back on the Wim Hof system, do your daily routine exercises.” On Friday I went back to the doctor and said “Doctor, I’m not getting better what is the problem?” The doctor told me simply, “You’re not sick anymore don’t accept this, go live your life and do normal things. 2010 2nd place in the San Francisco Cup was my best. Baseball, football, basketball, golf and an amateur bodybuilding career. I went to the doctor early in the week and he gave me antibiotics, but they didn’t help so I took the week and just rested. Answer (1 of 24): I’m really surprised this question keeps coming.

It was a week of hell no fun, in bed with a cold, feeling terrible, trying to figure out what I was going to do to get myself out of this.

I slacked off for nearly five days and immediately got sick. Although they make me feel wonderful, there’s an interesting dichotomy where I actually feel pressure to do them and it’s difficult to get up in the morning, even though they’re only 15 minutes long.
#Using the wim hof method while sick update#
So this is an update with Wim Hof, the breathing exercises that I’m doing.